We’re joined again by our Aquira Traffic specialist, Dawn Newberry to continue to discuss ways to work smarter, not harder. In this video, we highlighted Aquira’s contacts, specifically when you need to adjust any existing contract. Rather than redo your contract, why not simply edit that contract? Use Aquira’s Spotlines to manually manipulate the schedule based on the required changes.
We’re working within Aquira’s Contracts, found under Traffic | Contracts and we’re adjusting an existing contract. These adjustments could be related to moving scheduled days or avoiding days or weeks. Within the Spotline, you’ll see an option to expand on the specific daypart, highlighting the Week # and corresponding days of the week. Based on the number of weeks value listed above, Aquira will allow the user to edit an existing cell, followed by highlighting the changed cell in a darker green for better visibility across multiple users. For example, if a client is a restaurant and they wanted to avoid scheduling spots at the beginning of the week, the traffic manager would simply remove any scheduled spots from Monday through Wednesday. Or if they were promoting a holiday event, they might request to move all spots from Week 5 to Week 4, avoiding any scheduled spots during Week 5.
Users can use the Total Booked values as a checks and balances. If you removed 5 scheduled spots from Week 5, once those values are removed, Aquira will display a discrepancy between the Total Booked and the Total Spots featured within the expanded daypart. That same behavior is available with the Time Segment rotations as well. And the best part – any movement done within the Spotlines, will continue to respect Aquira’s contract and any adjustments will be reflected in the invoice and corresponding reconciliation.
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