RCS presents Aquira2GO, our third iteration Online Proposal Entry System. 12 years ago we launched our innovative first mobile version. Back then the goal was to allow Sales Representatives and Account Managers to book orders and see live Avails remotely from their laptops or home computers and now Aquira2GO has gone one step further.
With this amazing application with more data security, different users can login and see their own revenue reports, enter their own orders, print confirmations and aired time affidavits or broadcast certificates and play audio from their PC, laptop, tablet or smart phone. A radio organization can even give their clients access to empower them to book or view their orders, audition audio and print their own reports.
Built with the latest Angular JS technology, Aquira2GO is a scalable HTML 5 application that will run in a browser on all modern devices including PC, MAC, IOS and Android, connected to Aquira and its powerful SQL Server database.
Reports and Filters can be created, customized and deployed to the Aquira2GO dashboard by anyone with approved access in your organization – Each Aquira database can be configured to complement your unique business requirements. You can keep one step ahead of your competitors giving your sales teams their own unique point of difference.