We kicked off another RCS Live by discussing some GSelector scheduling tips and tricks. Specifically, how to utilize Clock Goals and Clock Constraints to better optimize your rotations. Then, we created a couple Link Affidavits and customized printed Logs in GSelector’s Reports tab.
Many users don’t realize that they can quickly and efficiently use GSelector’s Clocks to encourage or discourage GSelector from scheduling elements by position. For example, if we’re looking to achieve forward momentum with fun, upbeat music for a Top 40 or Classic Hits station, users can quickly create Clock Goals to Maximize or Minimize Scalar attributes, like Mood, Tempo, Energy, and Opener. Otherwise, if they’re looking for more control with any attribute, use Clock Constraints. Again, speaking Clock position by position, Clock Constraints will allow a user to choose any attribute and value(s) to ban or only schedule. In this video, we break down how to add the attribute: Long Song (Songs longer than 5 minutes) that will be banned from scheduling as the last song position in the hour, preventing the next hour from running late.
Next, we discussed how to customize individual reports. We broke down each GSelector Report tab. Filter will allow the user to include or exclude elements. View will view the report. Columns will include what metadata is included in the report. Groups will organize the Columns metadata and sort it A-Z or Z-A. And users can have more than one grouping. For example, Directory by Artists: Most users want the Groups to be Artist first and Title second. Appearances will allow the user to copy Global Attributes or create their own colors that are specific to that report. Finally, there’s the Editor tab, which allows the user to manually customize their report. For the Link Affidavit, use Play Stamps to include when the element played and organize the Groups by Title. If you’re creating a Printed Log, don’t forget you can customize and filter the report based on the desired information. For example, if you don’t want to include ETM metadata for voice trackers, simply use the Filter to remove any unwanted data.
RCS has some special guests and surprises lined up for upcoming RCS Lives, in which we’ll discuss some of the advanced features and configurations of the full line of RCS products. You won’t want to miss it! As always, reach out if you have any questions or looking for workflow solutions. Don’t forget to follow us on www.Facebook.com/RCSSoundSoftware for updates and we’ll see you every Thursday at 11am ET.