Twofers are essentially elements, like songs, that will schedule another element that share the same Artist or Vocalist as the previous position. After enabling Twofers from the Setup / Station / Features / Twofers, we went over how to schedule based on Artist vs. Vocalist: Soundgarden into Chris Cornell or Soundgarden into Soundgarden. Next, we discussed how to ban certain elements or categories from scheduling as Twofers (Goals / Categories / Choose the Twofer daypart and ban elements). If you want to schedule multiple Twofers, like a “Triple Shot Weekend,” simply add additional Twofer positions and they’ll respect the previous element, and the previous, and the previous, etc… Finally, we reviewed some Twofer troubleshooting, specifically isolating the Twofer Priority Lists.
For the next topic, we had an overview on Kick Grids. Kick Grids can be Disabled & Slotted (Ignored Goals & Rules) or simply Kicked (Respects Goals, Adjustments and Constraints) from the Goals / Categories / Category Group Settings (1, 2 down arrow icon) window. Remember, GSelector is a piece of software and will do its best to properly outline a Kick Grid pattern, even if there is an alternate programming source, which breaks the continuous 24/7 schedule pattern. Simply acknowledge the human element and continue the 24/7 proper rotation, kicking the first scheduled element until you maintain the proper schedule.
RCS has some special guests and surprises lined up for upcoming Facebook Lives, in which we’ll discuss some of the advanced features and configurations of the full line of RCS products. Next week we have RCS Canada’s Scott Far to review Zetta Cloud Hybrid models. As always, reach out if you have any questions or looking for workflow solutions. Don’t forget to follow us on for updates and we’ll see you every Thursday at 11am ET.