Big tip here: If you call into any of our worldwide offices for help with one of our products, we always enter your support information into our support tracking system. And by the way, you can access your open issues online. To make your life easier, we give you the My RCS link on, which provides you a one stop shop to see the current status of any open or recently closed issues. This also gives you the ability to interact with those issues without ever having to pick up the phone.
You can update text on an issue, attach files and to help the overall community, confirm we have resolved an issue. You can even close the issue yourself online. In addition to the interactive web page, you have an issue related email address that can be used to communicate directly to us.
It all starts with making sure that you have a login to If you haven’t received your sign-in credentials, you should do so now at With that sign-in, you’ll find product downloads, as well as handy utilities, a searchable Knowledge base, instructional videos and an ability to subscribe to Product Release announcements.