The RCS Academy is designed to help train users of all experience levels: from beginners who has never seen GSelector or Zetta, to intermediate users who only know “their way,” to advanced programmers who may not have realized there’s a more sophisticated or direct method of achieving their desired workflow. No matter your experience, the redesigned RCS Academy provides you the tools and resources to excel in radio! And with the introduction of the new GSelector Certification Program 2.0, we’re expanding our scheduling topics and including the latest enhancements available in the most recent GSelector versions.
To review, the RCS Academy is an online, self-paced Certification Program in which users can learn at their own speed. Each lesson is broken down into videos with corresponding Knowledge Checks and Final Quizzes. Although not required to pass, Knowledge Checks are designed for users to decipher how well they understood the provided material. If you find yourself failing a Knowledge Check, that’s a good indication that you should revisit the video. Once a learner completes the Final Quiz, they can continue onto the next section and finally the Final Exam, which encompasses all lesson topics.
All questions can be multiple choice, True or False, or select all that apply. In addition, every question and answer from the Knowledge Checks, Final Quizzes and Final Exam are all randomized so that no two users can take the same Certification Program. We made a point to emphasize questions during the videos as to encourage best practices. The RCS Academy isn’t here to trick you, instead, we focus our questions using real radio examples, guiding the learner to better understand how to utilize our software.
Once you’ve completed either the GSelector or Zetta Certification Programs, you’ve officially become RCS Certified. Aside from your signed letter of completion and certificate, we encourage you to add these skills to your resume, email signature and make sure to opt into our RCS Master Users List, so that other radio professionals can see your achievements on display.
If you’re a manager, the RCS Academy also provides tools to monitor your learner’s progress. We’ve had managers sign up their new hires to better understand our software. Colleges and Universities have even offered RCS Academy with student discounts to better serve their students and more!
As we continue to provide advanced education for all types of RCS users, learners and managers alike can get more information on GSelector and Zetta Certification Programs from our Academy home page: . There’s also an online store for users to sign up.
GSelector 5.0 and Zetta 5.21.2 have officially been released to Beta, so if you’re looking to experience the latest and greatest from RCS, the worldwide leader in radio software, don’t hesitate to reach out your local RCS contact to get signed up as a Beta user. We’ll be showcasing these new enhancements in our upcoming RCS Lives, which you can now watch and comment on your platform of choice: Facebook, Twitch, YouTube or Twitter Live. If you want to catch up on past videos, don’t forget to check out our RCS Live Archive: