Over the past twelve months the Aquira development team has put a lot of effort into further enhancing the product in all areas related to managing a large network of stations.
There are new features in the Logs Browse screen which allow you to Attach Media, Giveaway Fillers, Bump, Move or Delete spots from selected Stations and Days without having to individually edit each Log. The flexible Station Picker that was available within Contracts has also been made available throughout the application in areas like Logs, Reconciliation and Clocks. Our Station Picker allows you to customize your groups of stations easily to help manage daily, weekly and monthly functions with ease. Using one mouse click you can select all 200 Stations within one Network to be able to Attach Media or Giveaway Fillers.
You might like to select by location, genre, demographic. It is completely customizable using Aquira’s powerful Attributes. This unique way of selecting stations has also always been available within the contract/order entry which also makes booking spots, charges, sponsorships and web lines on large networks possible with less clicks or keystrokes. Another enhancement is the ability for Reconciliation files to be automatically imported at a time specified to assist with this process in large Networks.